# Script

A : 저 드릴 말씀이 있어요. 과장님은 최고의 매니저세요.

B : 잠깐, 이거 무슨 전략같은건가요? 상사에게 아부하기 전략!

A : 아니에요. 솔직히 제가 느낀 것을 과장님께 알려드리고 싶어서요.

B : 음... 솔직히 좀 수상한데요. 하지만 어쨌든 고마워요.

A : I want to tell you something. You're the best manager ever.

B : Wait, is this some kind of strategy? Flatter-the-boss strategy?

A : No, It's not like that. Honestly, I just wanna let you know how I feel.

B : Well.. honestly, it's a little suspicious. Thank you anyway though.

# Various Expressions

+ Is this some kind of strategy?
ㄴ Why do you say that?
ㄴ What make you say that?

+ It's not like that.
ㄴ Don't get me wrong. (I didn't mean it like that)

