# Script

A : 여기서 일하는 제일 좋은 점이 뭐에요?

B : 여기는 제가 늘 일하고 싶었던 곳이에요.

    그리고 과장님과 일하게 되어서 정말 운이 좋아요.

    과장님께 아주 많이 배우고 있어요.

A : 그거 반가운 말이네요. 지금 잘하고 있어요.

B : 어떻게 매니저가 되셨어요?

A : 특별한 이유는 없어요. 최선을 다했을 뿐이죠.

A : What's the best thing about working here?

B : This is where I always wanted to work.

    And I'm so lucky to work with you.

    I'm learning so much from you.

A : Glad to hear that. You're doing a good job.

B : How did you get to be a manager?

A : No special reason. I've just done my best.

# Various Expressions

+ What's the best thing about working here?
ㄴ Why do you like working here?
ㄴ What do you like about working here?
ㄴ What's the biggest reason you like working here?

+ How did you get to be a manager?
ㄴ How did you become a manager?
ㄴ Can you tell me about your career path here?

