# Script

A : 이 책들을 빌리려고 하는데요.

B : 네. 도서대출증을 보여주세요.

A : 책들을 언제 반납해야 하나요?

B : 2월 2일까지에요.

    그 때까지 언제든 연장하실 수 있어요.

A : 알겠습니다. 감사합니다.

A : I'd like to check out these books.

B : Okay. Please show me your library card.

A : When should I return these books?

B : They're due on the second of Feb.

    You can renew them anytime until then.

A : Got it. Thank you.

# Various Expression

+ When should I return these books?
ㄴ When are these due?
ㄴ When do I return these?
ㄴ What's the due date?

+ They're due on the second of Feb.
ㄴ They're due in two weeks (from today).
ㄴ The due date is Fab 2.

