# Script

A : 진우야, 도서관 갈래?

B : 네, 저 반납할 책이 2권 있어요.

A : 잘됬다. 그거 반납하고 새로 빌려오자.

    옷 입어.

B : 밖이 얼마나 추워요?

A : 창문을 열고 확인해보자.

    어우, 춥고 바람도 부네.

    따뜻한 외투랑 머플러도 해라.

A : Jinwoo, Do you want to go to the library?

B : Okay. I have two books to return.

A : Perfact. We can return those and get some new one. 

    Get dress.

B : How cold is it outside?

A : Let's open the window and check.

    It's cold and windy.

    Wear warm jackets and a scarp.

# Various Expression

I have two books to return.
ㄴ I need to return two books.
ㄴ I have to return two books by today. (오늘까지 반드시)

How cold is it outside?
ㄴ Is it cold today?
ㄴ How's the weather?

