# Script

A : 짜잔! 와..우리가 멋진 눈사람을 만들었다~

B : 우리 이름을 지어주자.

A : '울라프' 어때?

B : '겨울왕국'에 나오는거?

A : 응. 아 이런, 비가 오자나.

    울라프가 녹아버리겠다.

B : 우리 울라프를 안으로 옴기자. 

    셋에 드는거야, 알겠지?

A : 하나, 둘, 셋.

    으이쿠, 내가 떨어뜨렸어.

A : Ta-dah! We made a great snowman.

B : Let's give it a name.

A : How about Olaf?

B : The character from Frozen?

A : Yes. Oh no, It's raining.

    Olaf is going to melt.

B : Let's move him inside.

    On three, Okay?

A : One, two, three.

    Oops, I dropped him.

# Various Expression

+ Let's give it a name.
ㄴ Let's name it.
ㄴ What should we call it?
ㄴ Let's think of a name for it.

+ Let's move him inside.
ㄴ Let's take him inside/indoors.
ㄴ Let's bring him inside/indoors.

