# Script

A : 여기 또 흥미로운 뉴스가 있어요.

B : 뭐에 대한거야?

A : 바다에 있는 쓰레기에 대한 거에요.

    태평양의 거대 쓰레기 더미라고 부르는거요.

B : 그게 뭔데?

A : 세계에서 가장 큰 쓰레기 매립지에요.

B : 바다에 있는?

A : 네. 바다 한가운데에요.

A : Here's some other interesting news.

B : What about?

A : It's about garbage in the ocean.

     Something called The Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

B : What's that?

A : It's the largest landfill in the world.

B : In the ocean?

A : Yes. In the middle of the ocean.

# Various Expressions

+ Here's some other interesting news.
ㄴ Here's something else.
ㄴ Here's another article worth checking out.

+ It's the largest landfill in the world.
ㄴ It's the biggest dump/pile of trash/trash heap in the world.

