# Script

A : 어떻게 하면 더 행복한 삶을 살 수 있는지 알려주실래요?

B : 우선, 매일 니가 가지고 있는 것에 감사한 마음을 가져.

A : 감사일기를 쓰란 말씀이세요?

B : 그게 좋은 출발이다.

    감사한 모든 일들을 생각해보도록 해.

    그렇게 하면 행복해질거야.

A : Can you tell me how to live a happier life?

B : First of all, Appreciate what you have each day.

A : You mean keep a gratitude journal?

B : That's a good start.

    Think about everything you're thankful for.

    That'll make you feel happy.

# Various Expression

+ Can you tell me how to live a happier life?
ㄴ Please tell me how to be happy.
ㄴ What's the secret to happiness?

+ Think about everything you're thankful for.
ㄴ Think about the blessing in your life.

