# Script

A : 이거 보세요. 저 'Easy English'교재 한 권 샀어요.

B : 잘하셨네요. 듣기 시작하셨어요?

A : 네. 이책을 가장 잘 이용하는 방법이 뭘까요?

B : 저는 매일 대화문을 외우려고 해요.

A : 같이 할 사람 필요하세요? 우리 같이 연습하면 어떨가요?

B : 좋아요!

A : Check this out. I bought a copy of Easy English.

B : Nice. Did you start listening?

A : I did. So what's the best way to make use of the book?

B : Well.. I'll try to memorize the dialogues everyday.

A : Do you need a partner? How about we practice them together?

B : Hm...Okay.

# Various Expression

+ What's the best way to make use of the book?
ㄴ How should I use the book?
ㄴ What's the book good for?

+ How about we practice them together?
ㄴ We can practice together.
ㄴ How about practicing together?
ㄴ We can meet up to practice together.

