# Script

A : 재밌게 놀았니?

B : 네. 여기 또 오고싶어요.

A : 알았다. 다음달에 다시 오지 뭐.

B : 잠깐만요. 아빠, 제 비니모자가 없어졌어요.

A : 마지막으로 언제 봤는지 기억나니?

C : 저기, 이 비니 니꺼니?

A : 네. 정말 감사합니다.

A : Did you have fun?

B : Yes I did. I'd love to come here again.

A : Alright. We can come back next month.

B : Wait. Dad, My beanie is missing.

A : Can you remember when you're last site?

C : Excuse me, Is this beanie yours?

A : Oh Yes. Thank you so much.

# Various Expression

+ I'd love to come here again.
ㄴ I wanna come back/again.
ㄴ I can't wait to come again. (여기 다시 오고싶어서 못 참겠어)

+ Can you remember when you're last site?
ㄴ When did you see it last?
ㄴ When was the last time you saw?

