# Script

A : 여보, 오늘 일 없어? 벌써 8시야.

B : 내가 말 안했나? 하루 쉬기로 했어.

A : 아, 그래? 나한테 그 말 안했어.

B : 미안, 깜빡했나보네. 우리 점심 먹으러 나가자.

A : 그 생각 마음에 드는데. 우리 함께 나가서 식사하는게 얼마만이야?

A : Honey, don't you have work today? It's 8 o'clock already.

B : Didn't I tell you? I have the day off.

A : Oh, do you? you didn't tell me that.

B : Sorry, I guess it slipped my mind. Let's go out for lunch.

A : I like that idea. How long has it been since we ate out together?

# Various Expressions

+ I guess it slipped my mind.
ㄴ I forgot to tell you that.
ㄴ It must have slipped my mind.

+ How long has it been since we ate out together?
ㄴ When's the last time we did that?
ㄴ I can't remember the last time we ate out.

